Sunday, March 3, 2013

springing along.

It is March 3rd.  I woke up this morning, and my doormat said "Ho-Ho-Ho."  My wreath was appropriately matched.  As if the embarrassment of my neighbors seeing this for three months too long was not enough, let me share:
Honestly, I love my Christmas wreath.  Chartreuse and gold are my babies, but even I know when it's time to put a good thing to rest.

Armed with a few Pinterest inspiration pictures (here and here), I set out to create something that would work for my budget, my style, and my front porch for years to come.  Here's the final product:
To anyone who spends $50 or more on seasonal wreaths: take a trip to Michael's, bring a 40% coupon, and give yourself a shot.  This whole project took me forty-five minutes, tops (much to Bubba's chagrin).  All you have to do is lay things out and see what you like.  It's personal, it's subjective, and it's so much fun with wine!